We know that in this country, they have to many Refugees that they are tryinf to take the citizenship but unfortunatly, the goverment doesn't aloud them in order to have the nationality... So we met a case where five Refugees from Iran, Syria and Cashmire were in Hunger Strike in orther to convince the goverment to take the nationality... When we discovered this case, we started to try to help them in our own way...
We went to a radio program to the rest of the people listen this case and also Eleni (Greece), Sara (Italy) and Eloisa (Spain), worte and article from their point of view of this case.
Here you have the result!
Sara: "Asylum Seekers"
From 2 june a group of five political refugees is doing a hunger strinke and on 16 they began without any liquid. This is not their first hunger strike, they are in front of the headquarters of the UNCHR. They are doing this hunger strike because after ten years of staying in Cyprus they haven’t obtained the citizenship and they continue to live in the condition of political refugees and that it does not guarantee a future dignified because Cyprus grant to refugees only temporary residents permits of 3 years which may be renewed for further 3 years period. If They Live Cyprus and stay out of the country for a period longer than 3 months , then according to the law, the residence permit is cancelled. There are not permanent residence permits under national law which could be granted to refugees. The only status in order to have protection and durable solutions and that will enable their to live in dignity and also if they want to try to be employee outside Cyprus. Now they ask to be resettled from Cyprus to any other place in the world where they can live in safety and dignity and were they and their family will be able to have a future as well. I think is very sad that people have to go that far to get guarantee the rights and make their voices heard , we are talking about human beings and these people are not treated as such , are left alone and ignored as the problem did not exist.
We went to a radio program to the rest of the people listen this case and also Eleni (Greece), Sara (Italy) and Eloisa (Spain), worte and article from their point of view of this case.
Here you have the result!
Ευθύνες σε παιχνίδι πινγκ πονγκ
"Τι θα έκανες για την ελευθερία σου; Τούτη την απάντηση έπρεπε να βρούνε πέντε άνθρωποι του κόσμου που η «καλή τους τύχη» τους έφερε στην Κύπρο πριν από 11 χρόνια. Ο Muhammad Altaf, o Asadollah Parahimehr και η γυναίκα του Mehrangiz Hematmand από το Ιράν, ο Salah Ghanim από τη Παλαιστίνη και ο Mohammad Altaf Kashmir από το Kασμίρ, 5 πολιτικοί πρόσφυγες, που η ίδια η κυβέρνηση της Κύπρου τους αποδέχτηκε μ αυτό τον χαρακτηρισμό στο κράτος της το 2008. Μολαταύτα όταν οι ίδιοι αιτήθηκαν για τη κυπριακή εθνικότητα η υπόθεση τους δεν έλαβε κανένα ενδιαφέρον, μέχρι την ώρα που είδε τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας λόγω της απεργίας πείνας που επιχείρησαν για 52 μέρες. Αλλάζουμε το σύστημα πηγαίνοντας στα άκρα λέει ο Κασμίρ(Mohammad Altaf Kashmir), το καθήκον μας είναι να κουβαλήσουμε στους ώμους μας την αλλαγή αυτή. Δε θα το υπομείνουμε. Πώς να υπομείνει κανείς άλλωστε ότι στερείται των βασικών ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων του βάση κατασκευασμένων ψεμάτων της κυβέρνησης. Διότι στη δική τους περίπτωση οι "αρχές ασφαλείας" προφασίστηκαν, για παράδειγμα, πως έχουν πληροφορίες για εμπλοκή σε παράνομες δραστηριότητες…. Τότε ρωτώ, γιατί δεν απήγγειλαν οποιαδήποτε κατηγορία; γιατί δεν ακολούθησαν τη δικαστική οδό; γιατί χωρίς να καταδικαστεί ποτέ οποιοσδήποτε άνθρωπος για οποιοδήποτε αδίκημα οι αρμόδιες αρχές τον τιμωρούν στερώντας τα δικαιώματα του; "κράτος δικαίου", σωστά; «Παλεύουμε για τα δικαιώματα, την ελευθερία, την αξιοπρέπεια και το δίκαιο μας, μα πιο πολύ για των παιδιά μας. Τι ζωή θα έχει ένα παιδί με πατέρα άνευ εθνικότητας», με ρωτά ο Αλί (Muhammad Altaf). «Το παιδί μου είναι το ίδιο με σένα, ίδιο με κάθε παιδί! Μα ποιος ορίζει λοιπόν τη διαφορά μεταξύ μας; Ποιος ορίζει αν έξω είναι νύχτα; Έξω είναι μέρα και όλοι ήμαστε το ίδιο», ξεκαθαρίζει ο Καρίμ(Mohammad Altaf Kashmir). Για αυτή την ισότητα, έχουν πάρει τη σκληρή απόφαση για τρίτη φορά στο προσωπικό τους Γολγοθά, να κάνουν απεργία πείνας σε αντίσκηνο μπροστά από την Αντιπροσωπεία της Ύπατης Αρμοστείας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών για τους Πρόσφυγες (UNHCR), στη Λευκωσία και από χθες Δευτέρα 16/6 σταμάτησαν να πίνουν ακόμα και νερό. Στους 35 C χωρίς νερό πόσες μέρες μπορεί ν αντέξει το σώμα; Οι μόνοι σύμμαχοι που έχουν στο πλευρό τους: Αλήθεια, Αφοσίωση, Αποφασιστικότητα. Το μόνο που ζητούν από εμένα και εσένα που σεβόμαστε και πιστεύουμε στην ισότητα είναι να τους στηρίξουμε. Κανένας «υπεύθυνος» δε δέχτηκε να τους στηρίξει, κανένας δε δέχτηκε να τους δει και να ακούσει τα ειλικρινή λόγια τους. Απλά πετούν το μπαλάκι ο ένας στον άλλο. Ευθύνες σε παιχνίδι πινγκ πονγκ. Πλέον όμως μπορεί να παίζουν το πινγκ πονγκ τους με ένα πτώμα, ποιος θα αντέξει να κρατήσει το μπαλάκι; Ας μάθουν όλοι για αυτό το άρρωστο παιχνίδι. Ας μάθουν όλοι πως στη Κύπρο αν είσαι ξένος δεν έχεις δικαίωμα για δικαιώματα!"
Ελένη Κυπρίδα Qafzezi
(Eθελόντρια EVS στον ΜΚΟ Νεολαία για Ανταλλαγή και Κατανόηση Κύπρου (ΥΕU Cyprus))
Ελένη Κυπρίδα Qafzezi
(Eθελόντρια EVS στον ΜΚΟ Νεολαία για Ανταλλαγή και Κατανόηση Κύπρου (ΥΕU Cyprus))
Since 15 days ago, four refugees from Iran, Palestine and Kashmir are doing a Hunger Strike since 17 days ago and also, since 3 days ago they are doing a Dry Strike. Since 2nd of June, they are camping in the doors of ACNUR, in the island of Nicosia (Cyprus). The reasons are only that they want to remove their refugees status in order to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, because in this island, they can not find a job for their condition of refugee only in the first sector of industries (Farms). As they communicate the affected, there are a lot of proposes of job that they had to decline because the government, only gives them a VISA for three months, and then, they have to come back to this country where they have the refugee status. Each story from the affected people is different, but all of them coincide in the wish to go out from this prison where they were imprisoned, violating all and each of their rights, starting by the freedom. A lot of letters are trying to put on contact with the president in order to put an end to this situation, which was carried a life of young guy with twenty years old and also, this nefarious situation, can carry on with the life of four more, they are claiming the thing that was promise to them, and today they have not a answer yet. The Hunger Strike was start by all the refugees that are trying to take the nationality; they are Muhammad Altaf from Kashmir, Salah Ghanim from Palestine, Asadollah Panahimehr and Mehrangiz Hematmand (both of them from Iran). Each of them tell us in first person which has meant these years waiting to not be deported and try to find a job in order to keep their families and give to their children a good education. Monday 16 of June 2014, in fact that the situation is not changed and also they have not an answer from the government or attempt to resolve the situation, they decided, a part of the Hunger Strike, they started with the thirsty strike, where it will be see affect their capacity of superation to their final goal... be citizens with rights and duties where they can assist like citizens. In addition, it is important do a mention about the weather, that's in this moments the meteorological conditions, are really hards by the hot during the day and the cold during the night, and, in addition, they do not stop in their attempt to be citizens of this nation that they chose in order to start a new live and leave their past in the past. Some NGOs are in contact with this case in order to try to put the end with this nefarious situation for these persons who the governments are violating their Human Rights, these rights where to much people allude, but that in the same time themself infringe, some of the organisations that are helping are KISA, YEU Cyprus, etc. They accept to them entry in the Island without any problems with the papers in 2000, they win the Asylum Seeker certifications and years later with a lot of hurts, they win the Refugees conditions... Now they are asking by the citizenship, that it would have to be accepted without problems; first, for all the years that they are trying to be citizens and secondly by the promises from the government. Since my point of view, I had the opportunity to be in front of them, they accepted to speak with us and they reported us their history, step a step, year a year... A really desolation history and that are doing to think what are happening here with the governments that they do not want to know nothing about this things, but, in the same time, are their fault. I write this article in order to the rest of the people know what are happening here with all the people who are escaping from their respective countries in order to find a new live and the only thing that they can find is themselves in a new prison where they can not work but, in addition, they can not go out without the officials papers, these papers who the government will not give them and the same papers where this people are trying to take in order to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus. A last resort, the government permitted gives the nationality to these people, but only for one. Sina (the Iran guy), earned the nationality few days ago, but... What happen with the rest of the people who are in the same conditions? Why one yes, and others no? What's wrong here? This type of things, really are nothing here, every day we hear histories about immigrants who arrive in really disastrous conditions of health and psychological mind, and nobody echoes this situation, ok, by this reason, today we want that all the world know that this folk, like many more, are HUMAN, we are persons, ergo all of us have right to live and the freedom. We can not do like nothing about this happen, be in the news during two days and the rest of the time that we are fighting versus this types of injustices, nobody know anything because now is not an actuality topic. My name is Eloisa Hernandez Ramos, I am a health branch student and I come from Spain. Actually, I have come to this country to work by the rights of every citizen that currently are living in the island, for try to stop harassment that these people are suffering day a day and try to change this situation in the correct way, by Immigrants, Homosexual and Racism. Human Before All.
Since 15 days ago, four refugees from Iran, Palestine and Kashmir are doing a Hunger Strike since 17 days ago and also, since 3 days ago they are doing a Dry Strike. Since 2nd of June, they are camping in the doors of ACNUR, in the island of Nicosia (Cyprus). The reasons are only that they want to remove their refugees status in order to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, because in this island, they can not find a job for their condition of refugee only in the first sector of industries (Farms). As they communicate the affected, there are a lot of proposes of job that they had to decline because the government, only gives them a VISA for three months, and then, they have to come back to this country where they have the refugee status. Each story from the affected people is different, but all of them coincide in the wish to go out from this prison where they were imprisoned, violating all and each of their rights, starting by the freedom. A lot of letters are trying to put on contact with the president in order to put an end to this situation, which was carried a life of young guy with twenty years old and also, this nefarious situation, can carry on with the life of four more, they are claiming the thing that was promise to them, and today they have not a answer yet. The Hunger Strike was start by all the refugees that are trying to take the nationality; they are Muhammad Altaf from Kashmir, Salah Ghanim from Palestine, Asadollah Panahimehr and Mehrangiz Hematmand (both of them from Iran). Each of them tell us in first person which has meant these years waiting to not be deported and try to find a job in order to keep their families and give to their children a good education. Monday 16 of June 2014, in fact that the situation is not changed and also they have not an answer from the government or attempt to resolve the situation, they decided, a part of the Hunger Strike, they started with the thirsty strike, where it will be see affect their capacity of superation to their final goal... be citizens with rights and duties where they can assist like citizens. In addition, it is important do a mention about the weather, that's in this moments the meteorological conditions, are really hards by the hot during the day and the cold during the night, and, in addition, they do not stop in their attempt to be citizens of this nation that they chose in order to start a new live and leave their past in the past. Some NGOs are in contact with this case in order to try to put the end with this nefarious situation for these persons who the governments are violating their Human Rights, these rights where to much people allude, but that in the same time themself infringe, some of the organisations that are helping are KISA, YEU Cyprus, etc. They accept to them entry in the Island without any problems with the papers in 2000, they win the Asylum Seeker certifications and years later with a lot of hurts, they win the Refugees conditions... Now they are asking by the citizenship, that it would have to be accepted without problems; first, for all the years that they are trying to be citizens and secondly by the promises from the government. Since my point of view, I had the opportunity to be in front of them, they accepted to speak with us and they reported us their history, step a step, year a year... A really desolation history and that are doing to think what are happening here with the governments that they do not want to know nothing about this things, but, in the same time, are their fault. I write this article in order to the rest of the people know what are happening here with all the people who are escaping from their respective countries in order to find a new live and the only thing that they can find is themselves in a new prison where they can not work but, in addition, they can not go out without the officials papers, these papers who the government will not give them and the same papers where this people are trying to take in order to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus. A last resort, the government permitted gives the nationality to these people, but only for one. Sina (the Iran guy), earned the nationality few days ago, but... What happen with the rest of the people who are in the same conditions? Why one yes, and others no? What's wrong here? This type of things, really are nothing here, every day we hear histories about immigrants who arrive in really disastrous conditions of health and psychological mind, and nobody echoes this situation, ok, by this reason, today we want that all the world know that this folk, like many more, are HUMAN, we are persons, ergo all of us have right to live and the freedom. We can not do like nothing about this happen, be in the news during two days and the rest of the time that we are fighting versus this types of injustices, nobody know anything because now is not an actuality topic. My name is Eloisa Hernandez Ramos, I am a health branch student and I come from Spain. Actually, I have come to this country to work by the rights of every citizen that currently are living in the island, for try to stop harassment that these people are suffering day a day and try to change this situation in the correct way, by Immigrants, Homosexual and Racism. Human Before All.
Eloisa Hernandez Ramos (EVS volunteer of YEU Cyprus) HUMAN BEFORE ALL
Sara: "Asylum Seekers"
From 2 june a group of five political refugees is doing a hunger strinke and on 16 they began without any liquid. This is not their first hunger strike, they are in front of the headquarters of the UNCHR. They are doing this hunger strike because after ten years of staying in Cyprus they haven’t obtained the citizenship and they continue to live in the condition of political refugees and that it does not guarantee a future dignified because Cyprus grant to refugees only temporary residents permits of 3 years which may be renewed for further 3 years period. If They Live Cyprus and stay out of the country for a period longer than 3 months , then according to the law, the residence permit is cancelled. There are not permanent residence permits under national law which could be granted to refugees. The only status in order to have protection and durable solutions and that will enable their to live in dignity and also if they want to try to be employee outside Cyprus. Now they ask to be resettled from Cyprus to any other place in the world where they can live in safety and dignity and were they and their family will be able to have a future as well. I think is very sad that people have to go that far to get guarantee the rights and make their voices heard , we are talking about human beings and these people are not treated as such , are left alone and ignored as the problem did not exist.
Sara Valentini (YEU Cyprus Volunteer)
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